a very little thing

      If the universe is a very little thing, the very big thing you’ve been worrying about must be a very little thing, too.

“He who holds the universe in His hand as if it were a very little thing – He is your shepherd. . . .” Hannah Whitall Smith

“The Lord is my shepherd.” Psalm 23:1


our timid hearts

      When somebody you love is walking through the darkest valley, maybe God is gently coaxing your timid heart (and hers) to trust.  

“[W]hen I walk through the darkest valley, . . . You are close beside me . . . [and] comfort me.” Psalm 23:4

“You gently coax our timid hearts to trust. . . .” Thomas Keating

all the other ages

      I’m finding that how-old-are-you has a longer answer every year: two and twelve and twenty-seven and thirty-two and forty-one and fifty-six and of course sixty-three.

“The great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all the other ages you’ve been.” Madeleine L’Engle

“[G]race upon grace.” John 1:16


the more-more chorus

      I watched a very little person in a very full bathtub. He kept pointing to the faucet and saying more-more. His dad tried to get him to play in the water he had, but the more-more chorus continued. I understand. I sing that chorus, too.

Father, just for today, I very much want to relax and enjoy the gifts You’ve already given me.

“Sing to the Lord a new song.” Psalm 96:1

at the end of the day

      When you hurry through the hours just to get things done, at the end of the day you have a bunch of check marks.  Joy is better.

“It is not a good plan to be in haste to perform any action that it may be the sooner over.” Madame Guyon

“The fruit of the Spirit is . . . joy. . . .” Galatians 5:22

the one great thing

      If we saw the one great thing, our tails would wag a lot more.    

“We seldom realize our preciousness. We are so busy, so occupied with many little things, that we are blind to the one great thing.” Dr. Gerald May

“You are precious in My sight -- greatly loved and treasured.” Isaiah 43:4