I have a friend who practices treasuring other people. It isn’t just some vague notion that he should treasure other people; it’s a solid, rubber-meets-the-road practice of treasuring them.
He practices it every day with every person he meets. He looks for what is good and whole and unique and beautiful (which doesn’t give him much time for other things, like envy and indifference). He stores up all the treasuring, and then at night (or the next morning) he visits each person again – enjoying her and saying thank-you for her and asking God to bless her.
I have a hunch that this practice of treasuring who other people are frees him, little by little, to treasure who he is -- and that in itself is treasure untold.
“Humility is the willingness to be who I am.” Steve Macchia
“[I]n humility, value others. . . .” Philippians 2:3