All of a sudden, there were dolphins everywhere, playing and frolicking, their freckled backs gleaming in the late afternoon sun, surfacing in perfect arks and then, just before they disappeared, whapping their tails on the surface of the water. The air was alive with their deep, sharp inhales. Once, right beside the boat, one leapt completely out of the water, his whole sleekness poised for a split-second in mid-air. It was beyond camera, beyond counting, beyond everything but joy—pure gift on a day when I had been demanding and discontent, unable to stir my soul to move.
“When I can no more stir my soul to move, / And life is but the ashes of a fire. . . / Oh, be thou then . . . the calling, before all answering love. . . .” George MacDonald
“This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us. . . .” 1 John 4:10