Most people know about the golden rule: “Treat people the way you want them to treat you.” Recently, I decided to be intentional about practicing it. I chose one person, and I put his name in this blank: “Treat ____ the way I want him to treat me.” That felt a little daunting, so I added “just for today.” Then I asked God to give me ideas. It was like a treasure hunt. I started to see opportunities—small things that I could say or do to give him joy or ease his load. It was energizing and rewarding and creative. Best of all, it was clean—I wasn’t trying to get anything in return. At day’s end, when I asked myself what the most life-giving part of the day was, the answer was crystal-clear: the most life-giving part of the day was practicing the golden rule.
“It is more blessed and joyous to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35
“Treat people the way you want them to treat you.” Matthew 7:12