Early this morning, I remembered that this is the season of Advent and that Advent means “coming,” and I was glad. I wanted to be wide awake all day long so that I wouldn’t miss the small and hidden ways that God might be coming to me.
But that was before the sun woke up. When it did, I forgot all about being wide awake to the small and hidden ways that God might be coming to me. My car was covered in ice, and I was cold and late and impatient. When we finally got to school and were hurrying hand-in-hand toward the entrance, I saw these words on the wall: “Open my eyes, Lord.” Then I remembered again that this is the season of Advent and that Advent means “coming,” and I was glad.
Father, please open my eyes over and over again today. I don’t want to miss the small and hidden ways that You are coming to me.
“God is always coming to you. . . .” Evelyn Underhill
“Be wide awake, because you don’t know in what moment your Lord will come.” Matthew 24:42