Steve is a little boy who has two brothers. One day his mother told him the story of Cain and Abel. She told him that Cain and Abel were brothers. She said, “When Cain grew up, he killed his brother Abel.” Steve cried and cried, because he had brothers, too.
Today, when I hear and see and read and live today’s version of the Cain-and-Abel story, will I shrug and say, “It’s just the way things are in this dog-eat-dog world.”? Or will I cry, too, because I have brothers, too?
“A man . . . fell among robbers . . . and they left him half dead. . . . A Samaritan . . . saw him and felt compassion . . . and bandaged his wounds. . . .” Luke 10:30, 33-34
Jesus, please look out through my eyes today and see with Your great compassion and love through my small self.