a special day

“It wasn’t anybody’s birthday, but Bramwell Brown had a feeling that today was going to be a special day.” From the first page of Old Bear, a children’s book by Jane Hissey

       Today might be a special day. I depends . . . on me. If I go through the day me-first, focusing on myself and my to-do list, it probably will be just another ho-hum, same-old-same-old day. But what if I keep my eyes wide-open all day, looking for every small opportunity to do someone good? By nightfall, I might have a collection of small adventures to think about.

“That night, . . . Bramwell thought about the day’s adventures. . . . ‘I knew it was going to be a special day,’ said Bramwell Brown. . . .” From the last page of Old Bear, a children’s book by Jane Hissey

“Whenever we have an opportunity, let us do good to everyone.” Gal. 6:10