Sometimes a good visual helps.
“That the birds of worry and care fly above your head, this you cannot change. But that they build nests in your hair, this you can prevent.” Chinese proverb
“[D]o not worry about your life. . . .” Matthew 6:25
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Sometimes a good visual helps.
“That the birds of worry and care fly above your head, this you cannot change. But that they build nests in your hair, this you can prevent.” Chinese proverb
“[D]o not worry about your life. . . .” Matthew 6:25
Resentments are heavy things to carry around. Maybe I’ll take one out of my backpack today.
“We change our behavior when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing.” Henry Cloud
“Be careful how you (choose to) live. . . .” Ephesians 5:15 (parenthetical added)
What if you wanted to see the hidden joys today?
“I have a friend who . . . can see joy. . . . When he shares his experiences, he tells about the hidden joys he has discovered.” Henri Nouwen
“[T]he blind man said, ‘I want to see.’” Mark 10:51
You can try really hard to box God in, but it’s a lot more fun to enjoy that you can’t.
“Let my soul rejoice in Thy mysterious greatness. . . . Thou art utterly beyond . . . the sweep of my imagination, beyond the comprehension of my mind. . . .” John Baillie
“Stop striving, relax, let go and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10
What if do-not-fear were an invitation that you could accept (or not) -- just for today?
Father, just for today, I choose to accept your invitation. Fear-filled thoughts will have to wait until tomorrow.
“Do not fear (today).” Isaiah 41:13 (parenthetical added)
When your heart is hard as stone toward somebody, you can either keep dragging all that weight around or you can change.
Father, I am finally tired of my hard heart toward ______. Please give me a soft heart, one thought at a time.
“God says, . . . ‘I will take away your heart of stone and give you a soft heart. . . .’” Ezekiel 36:22, 26