simply notice

      Part of learning to be content is learning to simply notice when you’re not content (as in, now-isn’t-that-interesting). Somehow it loosens the soil without any shoulds and striving. 

“Practice makes progress.” Unattributed

“I have learned to be content. . . .” Philippians 4:11 

the wise act of pausing

      Unless you’re careful, the wise act of pausing (from everything except quiet) could get lost in the shuffle today.

“It will be a happy moment when we remember to add the wise act of pausing to our to-do list.” Sr. Macrina Wiederkehr

“The wise person listens and pays attention. . . .” Proverbs 1:5


flowed through

      You could try really hard today to love the people around you, or you could ask to be flowed through.

Father, please flow Your love through me today. Surprise me (and them).

“I am the vine. You are the branches.” John 15:5


another anxious scramble?

      If you will only be safe and secure as soon as (you finish work or solve the problem or grow up or whatever), today will probably be another anxious scramble. If you’re safe and secure before you even start, it won’t.

“He alone is my refuge, my place of safety. . . .” Psalm 91:2  

“I was born by the river . . . / And just like that river I’ve been running every since.” Lyrics by Sam Cooke 


a quiet way

      When you welcome grief in, it has a quiet way of making your days more fruitful.

“After a while, though the grief did not go away from us, it grew quiet. What had seemed a storm wailing through the entire darkness seemed to come in at last and lie down.” Wendell Berry

“[S]o that [you] will be more fruitful.” John 15:2

growing joyous

      What if God wants you to be growing joyous?

“[S]o that My joy may live in you and your joy may abound and overflow.” John 15:11

“[W]hat God wants is our deepest happiness.” David Benner