the gift of wonder

    For the past few days, my to-do list has been my close companion. It has ordered my long days and shortened my restless nights. I have been efficient and preoccupied. 

    My two-year-old friend has not been efficient and preoccupied. She has the gift of wonder. When she told me that Santa was soon going to be at the mall, her little body trembled with wonder. When her dad set up the Home Depot lighted deer in her front yard, she was filled with wonder. She ran outside in her little red boots and yelled, “Mom, come SEE the deer! . . . No, come outside and SEE. Look! Do you SEE him? . . . No, come outside. Look. SEE?” She knows that Christmas is a season of wonder. 

    Today, I will practice going outside of my efficient and preoccupied to-do-list world. I will practice looking and SEEING. I will practice becoming like a child. 

 “Unless you become like a child, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3

 “Christmas is a season of wonder. But in this we face impediments.” Bobby Gross