Some days ago, I remembered to look for times of wonder--those small, oft-missed moments that always are tucked into every busy day. I found two, and I am still enjoying them.
In one, I met a bird. I was doing piles of laundry when I heard a tap on the kitchen window. There on the sill was a baby bird. I tiptoed toward him and bent down so that we were face-to-face and eye-to-eye, only inches apart. I savored the patterns of his feathers, his darting black eyes, and his crazy-fast puppy-breathing. Then I went back to doing laundry.
In the other, I met blueberries. I had been working in my office, and I was hungry. Instead of eating while I worked, I sat down at the kitchen table with a bowl of blueberries. I closed my eyes and ate each bite slowly, savoring the coolness and the sweetness and the surprise. Then I went back to my computer.
These two times of wonder took perhaps ten minutes of my busy day. They gave far more than they took.
“We live in a constant tension between the urgent and the important. The problem is that many important tasks need not be done today, or even this week.” Charles Hummel
“We throw open our doors to God and discover at the same moment that he has already thrown open his door to us. . . . .” Romans 5:2 (The Message)