The first time Nora saw the Home Depot lighted reindeer in her front yard, she was filled with wonder and delight. She ran outside in her little red boots and yelled, “Mom, come SEE the deer! . . . No, come outside and SEE. LOOK! Do you SEE him? . . . No, come outside. LOOK. SEE? His head moves!” 

Today, Lord, I want to LOOK and SEE, too. I want to ‘come outside,’ too. I want to shed the hurry and complacency that blind me to gifts of loveliness and steal all the wonder and delight. I want to change and become like a child. By nightfall, I want to be awash in “thank you for” prayers.

“Unless you change and become like a child. . . .” Matthew 18:3

“For a lack of attention, a thousand forms of loveliness elude us every day.” Evelyn Underhill