into my friend

Last night, I heard through the grapevine news of someone who used to be my enemy. I learned that he is not doing well. I heard of his unkind deeds and his unkind words and his unwise decisions. There was a time when I would have enjoyed such news. I would have reveled in hearing each detail, and I would have welcomed the chance to tell others. Instead, my heart sank in sadness. I did not want to hear news of his worsening, nor did I want others to hear of it. I wanted instead to hear news of his good health, generosity, and joy. So, in the quiet of this new morning, I turn again to the prayer through which, over the years, God has slowly and imperceptibly turned my enemy, unbeknownst to him, into my friend.

"O God, who art present in every place: [I] pray thee to protect with thy loving care _____ . . . . Let thy fatherly hand direct [him]; prosper [him] in thy way; grant [him] daily strength for [his] daily needs. . . .” Book of Common Prayer

“Then the lame will leap like a deer. . . .” Isaiah 35:6


