Read moreI used to teach little children to swim, and most of them took to it like ducks to water. Teaching them to float, though, . . .
true listening
Years ago, a friend listened to me so deeply that I still enjoy the ripple effects. We were sitting in my basement living room, and she. . . .
Read moresimple pleasure
I once heard someone ask an old lobsterman, “Have you lived here in Maine all your life?” The lobsterman replied. . . .
Read morewonder of wonders
When someone mistreats me, I have a life-and-death choice to make. I can choose to. . . .
Read morerejoice with those who rejoice
I have a friend who sparkles. I have watched her carefully. . . .
Read morethrough compassionate eyes
Hmmm. How would I like others to treat me today? I would like them to. . . .
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