A friend once told me that, when she notices herself getting off-track, she halts and. . . .
Read morealive with kindness
Last week, I saw an elderly couple at the grocery store. He was in a wheelchair, and she was bent. As she pushed him. . . .
Read moreenjoy wondering
When I watch a baby learning to sit up without toppling over, I sometimes enjoy wondering. . . .
Read moregratis
A few days ago, I went into town to do some errands. When I came back. . . .
Read morebeing Charlie
Sometimes, when you are two years old, life feels overwhelming, and you need a place. . . .
Read morelooking for beauty
A few days ago, I went to a dinner party. Beforehand, the prospect of spending hours with a big group of people, most of whom I had never met, loomed like Mt. Everest. . . .
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